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    Top Eleven Things your SEO did while on Ambien

    As Roeseanne demonstrated, Ambien may be wonderful for helping people with sleep disorders, but it might have some side effects and unfortunately, SEOs are not immune to its influence. Our crack investigative team scoured social media sites and found the examples listed below without even needing to verify their accuracy.  In reverse order: 11. Added […] More

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    Mark Your Calendars for the 2017 WTFY Awards

    WTFSEO is proud to announce we are tossing our Make SEO Great Again hats into the industry awards business — not just SEO content curation — and we’ll soon be soliciting nominations for the 2017 WTFY Awards. This, folks, means awards the way only WTFSEO can do them. In other words, this news is destined to ripple throughout […] More

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    How to Spot a Valid “Top SEO” List

    When it comes to lists containing “Best of” and “Top”, there are so many out there and frankly they’re all very subjective.  While it feels great to be on a list, let’s face it, you’re still just “on someone’s list” for whatever reason. Often it’s for no other reason that you’ve partied with the list […] More

  • Crystal Ball
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    WTFSEO’s 29 SEO Industry 2017 Predictions

    Since every other half-assed SEO blog is doing 2017 predictions this time of the year, we figured we should, too. Even though we’re not at the half-assed level yet, we do have traffic goals and a lack of actual content to post between now and the end of the year. Of course, we personally have our […] More

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    Exclusive: AMP on the way out

    Accelerated Mobile Pages (aka AMP) became a hot trend in 2016 thanks to Google support as well as a level of SEO expertise not seen since the launch of RankBrain. However, we’ve learned (don’t ask us how, we just know….. We’re SEOs) AMP’s heyday is about to end. Like a dog seeing a squirrel, it […] More

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    BREAKING: Google Executives G+ Account Hacked

    While the rest of the world has been focused on the breach of Facebook Founder & CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s account on the very platform that he runs or our own unfortunate owdy hack another potentially embarrassing security crises has emerged that has affected multiple high level executives at world Go champion Google. The specific breach […] More

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    Google Reverses Course – Now Offers Algorithmic SEO Certification

    WTFSEO EXCLUSIVE:  Google* has just offered up an alternative to disappointed SEO Experts who have been longing for the search engine giant to issue certifications to those desperately in need of thought leadership recognition.  After first declaring that Google “has no plans” to develop an SEO certification course program, this latest move is seen as […] More

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    Interview with a Master Link Baiter

    SEOs still covet quality links. The practice of link baiting is nothing new and some long time SEOs have truly mastered this practice. Last week we had the pleasure of sitting down and talking technique and other trade secrets with SEO Consultant Harold Palms, who has described himself as a master link baiter. Q: You’ve been […] More