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    Best SEO Blogs 2018

    Are you looking to improve your SEO skills in 2018? Google makes hundreds of algorithm changes every year, and SEO best practices are constantly in flux. The only way to stay on top of the SEO industry is to stay up to date with all the changes and tests and spurious correlation studies of ranking […] More

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    Top Eleven Things your SEO did while on Ambien

    As Roeseanne demonstrated, Ambien may be wonderful for helping people with sleep disorders, but it might have some side effects and unfortunately, SEOs are not immune to its influence. Our crack investigative team scoured social media sites and found the examples listed below without even needing to verify their accuracy.  In reverse order: 11. Added […] More

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    Top SEO Skills

    Top 9 Skills all SEOs should have. (That’s one more than the SEJ list. WTFSEO FTW!) A Sense of Humor. Let’s face it, nobody visits this site so you probably came here from Ryan’s SEJ article and are realizing that he wrote this post simply for the sole purpose of linking to his own site […] More

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    Seven SEO Trends We Watched in 2017

    The year is coming to an end, and that means it’s time for our competitors to write their 2018 prediction posts and talk about Trends They Expect To See in 2018. After our company holiday party however, we decided against adding to the rampant speculation and instead decided to attempt to remember focus on the […] More

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    HASBO – Totally different than HARO

    Hey buddy, can you Help A Reporter Out? Look, we like the idea of HARO, but we can’t be bothered to actually submit our requests to it. Besides, we’re not technically reporters and we’re really just focused on creating some spam So we thought what better way to get help than from out loyal WTFers. […] More

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    How to Spot a Valid “Top SEO” List

    When it comes to lists containing “Best of” and “Top”, there are so many out there and frankly they’re all very subjective.  While it feels great to be on a list, let’s face it, you’re still just “on someone’s list” for whatever reason. Often it’s for no other reason that you’ve partied with the list […] More

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    Cyber Monday Tips For SEOs

    Today is Cyber Monday and our editors insist that we write something about it so that we can add to the social media noise and email spam already proliferating the interwebs today. So, here goes: Make sure you have the best Cyber Monday possible with our helpful tips: Wear clothing that’s easy to describe. Remove […] More

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    The Top Speakers at #Ungagged & #StateofSearch

    As part of our continuing series of covering events at industry conferences, we sent our new Latverian intern Constantin down to cover Ungagged in Las Vegas and State of Search in Dallas.  While he obviously couldn’t attend every session at each, what with them running on the same days, and with him not speaking a […] More

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