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    The Most Red SEO Post

    This is the most red SEO post on the internet. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. Red SEO Post. […] More

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    The 15 Best SEO Pickup Lines

    The 14th of February is a day for lovers, a day for going that extra mile for your soulmate. But what if you haven’t met them yet, what if you’ve been lacking the right words to tell that special someone exactly how you fell about them? Well don’t worry loyal WTFSEOers, because we’ve done the […] More

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    Super Bowl Party Tips for SEOs

    The Super Bowl is certainly an exciting time for our industry, but work obligations don’t mean your party has to suffer. In fact, with a few helpful hints and a little elbow grease, you can host a football-themed soiree that rivals that of Alec Baldwin himself. Here’s how to – wait for it – optimize your […] More

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    Liveblogging Ungagged: Hacking Google

    Howdy WTFSEOers. Today we’re at #GetUngagged in Las Vegas. Despite their no live-blogging and no-photos policy, we’ve obtained special permission to liveblog the hacking Google session. Ungagged has just asked for the ability to redact some information. So, here goes. First up on the panel is and he will be talking about various ways to […] More

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    Top SEO Skills

    Top 9 Skills all SEOs should have. (That’s one more than the SEJ list. WTFSEO FTW!) A Sense of Humor. Let’s face it, nobody visits this site so you probably came here from Ryan’s SEJ article and are realizing that he wrote this post simply for the sole purpose of linking to his own site […] More

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    WTFSEO 2017 SEO Ranking Factor Study

    Greetings WTFSEOers and welcome to the 2017 edition of our Google ranking factors study. It may seem like just last year we published the complete list of Google ranking factors but alas, Google makes several hundred algorithm updates per year – which is great for us because we can keep recycling the same bullshit post […] More

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    EgoBait: The Movie

    Yes, it’s true, we’re going to be producing a documentary on EgoBait, where we’ll interview “influencers” who will be more than willing to retweet the movie to their myriad of followers, thereby ensuring views and links for WTFSEO.  Heck, we’ll even throw in a couple of employees here, talking on script camera about how influential […] More

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    An Open Letter To The SEO Industry

    How are you all doing? We’ve now been a member of the industry for, well, most of our unprofessional life, and We feel it’s time we ask some things of you. You see, we’ve been thinking a lot about our industry in the past few years, and we’ve come to an important realization: WE NEED […] More

  • SNL Bingo

    SNL Cold Open Bingo Card

    A lot of our readers have told us that they’re seeing too much of the same style content when they login to Facebook or Twitter. Many are becoming apathetic toward social media or news and some are even losing friends over the type of content being shared. At WTFSEO, we understand our gentile readers – […] More

  • The Cat in the Black SEO Hat

    The Cat in the Black SEO Hat

    Our rankings have tanked. We must find a way. To optimize our site For the upcoming holidays. I sat with my CMO We sat there, us both And I said, “How I wish our organic traffic Would show us some growth.” Few people visited, conversions were scarce We were both quite appalled. We stared at […] More

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