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    The Top 10 SEO Tips From Your Mother

    According to the National Retail Federation, Mother’s Day is the third biggest holiday of the year in terms of spend among U.S. consumers. [ed note: according to your editor it’s a trending topic, so please get this article done and somehow make it relevant to SEO by Friday] And for good reason: She didn’t drink […] More

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    Single Female SEO Can’t Handle Valentine’s Day Search Data

    Search marketing lovebirds may be blissfully unaware of the misery their single colleagues endure in the lead-up to Valentine’s Day in which, ironically, they are hammered with heartless heart-filled holiday data. One single female SEO simply can’t deal with the onslaught anymore. In fact, she falls apart every time she sees statistics tied to Valentine’s […] More

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    Super Bowl Party Tips for SEOs

    The Super Bowl is certainly an exciting time for our industry, but work obligations don’t mean your party has to suffer. In fact, with a few helpful hints and a little elbow grease, you can host a football-themed soiree that rivals that of Alec Baldwin himself. Here’s how to – wait for it – optimize your […] More

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    10 Foolproof Strategies to Make Content Great Again Also

    Here at WTFSEO we’ve spent the last few months making SEO great again. It’s time now to hang up our giant “Mission Accomplished” banner and move on to the next phase of our grand plan. Like Mr. 9/11 himself and the man who reportedly said he thought the KKK was O-KKK until he found out they […] More

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    10 Judge Judyisms for SEOs

    Courtroom firecracker Judge Judy kicked off her 21st season on September 12, giving the 10 million unemployed Americans who watch her each day a reason to get out of bed again. And while Double J is perhaps best known for the Notorious-RBG-like following she has gained while delivering no-nonsense small claims justice in exchange for a cool […] More

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    WTFSEO: Pro Cargo Shorts and Proud

    There’s a joke in Amy Schumer’s new book about pairing knee-length jean shorts with a Tasmanian Devil t-shirt for a trip to an amusement park in the early ‘90s because she “knew what’s up” that hit pretty close to home. I.e., I am grateful the only proof Amy and I have this ensemble in common […] More

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    5 Totally Legit Marketing Lessons from Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is making headlines, which means marketers can now derive endless insight from her. That’s because newsjacked content is often the very best content, isn’t it? Here’s a list of Notorious RBG facts and marketing platitudes that can be loosely tied together to temporarily boost our traffic: 1. Be authentic. That’s […] More

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    A Single Female SEO Womansplains Ghostbusters

    I can be a bit of a feminazi sometimes, so it won’t likely surprise any diehard WTFSEO readers that I was pretty excited to see the Ghostbusters reboot and to form my own opinions on the gender brouhaha. SERPs in the Intro And lest you blast this as irrelevant WTFSEO content, like so many reviewers […] More

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    Breaking: What Brewskis, Brexit and Broadcasting Mean for the WTFSEO Brand

    What is brand equity in 2016? It’s a legitimate question – and one we have been pondering ourselves in recent months. Naturally, like the American-style beer lagered with beechwood chips, transported by Clydesdales and beloved by pet owners everywhere, we first started thinking about rebranding after brewing company Anheuser-Busch’s brilliant announcement that it intends to capitalize […] More

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    The 55 Books Google Should Read Next

    Google is reading romance novels to improve its natural language processing, but we at WTFSEO believe once Googlebot nails the syntax and vocabulary Harlequin perfected, it has to expand its repertoire. That’s because human beings have a range of emotions and needs that are all eventually reflected in their queries. And if Googlebot doesn’t want to be disrupted […] More

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    SEOs: Behold the Awesome Power of My Woman Card

    [Ed Note: this post is in no way an endorsement for Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, or Ted Cruz. We at WTFSEO have always been and will always be supporters of Vermin Supreme.] Hillary Clinton and I have a lot in common: We both look great in pantsuits. We both get stuff done. We […] More

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    Yaassss! 14 Exciting AF SEO Tips From a Millennial

    Ah, Millennials. Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em, right?  Now while you non-Millennials (also known as “Generation do the work and give us the money”) are out there putting down the power of Millennials, we know you’re just doing that because you’re totes jelly. According to the US Census Bureau, the Millennial demographic includes […] More

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