rampant speculation
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in "news", rampant speculationBreaking! Google [Revamps / Updates / Tweaks / Upgrades / Overhauls / Changes] Search Console [Feature]
That sneaky Google has done it again! They’ve secretly updated one of its key Search Console features in such a soft, gentle, under the radar, barely visible to the human eye, covert sort of way that nobody but nobody noticed (apart from us… and the guy that tipped us off… and… nope, that was it). […] More
in "news", rampant speculationHas There Been a Google Update? 5 Ways to Tell
Did Google do an update? When was the last Google update? These are two questions I see in “People Also Ask” on Google – so presumably people are asking them. So I’ve stuffed them into the opening of my article on “Has there been a Google update?” to improve WTFSEO’s odds of ranking for the […] More
in "news", Holier Than Thou, Lists, rampant speculationSeven SEO Trends We Watched in 2017
The year is coming to an end, and that means it’s time for our competitors to write their 2018 prediction posts and talk about Trends They Expect To See in 2018. After our company holiday party however, we decided against adding to the rampant speculation and instead decided to attempt to remember focus on the […] More
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in "news", rampant speculationReading Content Out Loud Improves Google Rankings
SEO is hard and SEOs are always looking for a new way to rank. Good news for you, we’ve uncovered a new ranking factor. And it comes directly from Google itself. Google’s own Gary Ilyes told us recently on Twitter, and SEroundtable covered: “DYK if you read out loud the text on your page and […] More
in Lists, rampant speculationWTFSEO’s 29 SEO Industry 2017 Predictions
Since every other half-assed SEO blog is doing 2017 predictions this time of the year, we figured we should, too. Even though we’re not at the half-assed level yet, we do have traffic goals and a lack of actual content to post between now and the end of the year. Of course, we personally have our […] More
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in "news", rampant speculationSEO Chatter: Algorithm Update?
Some guy on twitter we’re not following noticed that several of his keywords moved from page 7 – where they got 0 clicks – to page 4 – where they still send 0 clicks. Is this a major ranking algorithm update? We reached out to Google to demand that they provide us with a change log […] More
in "news", rampant speculationExclusive: AMP on the way out
Accelerated Mobile Pages (aka AMP) became a hot trend in 2016 thanks to Google support as well as a level of SEO expertise not seen since the launch of RankBrain. However, we’ve learned (don’t ask us how, we just know….. We’re SEOs) AMP’s heyday is about to end. Like a dog seeing a squirrel, it […] More
in rampant speculationIntroducing Google Dreamsense
When we last snuck into the Googleplex for lunch we noticed a very interesting whiteboard. It was titled “when don’t people search?” and there were various items listed. Next to “walking around” it had “google glass” written. Next to “driving” it had “autonomous car.” Next to “pooping” was a Google pixel. Next to “my parents” […] More
in Lists, rampant speculation, viralWhat If Crawlers Were on Tinder?
After the success of our last viral piece “What if Crawlers were Trees?”*, we’ve decided to beat the corpse of that particular deceased equine and return to the scene of the crime with yet another “What if Crawlers…” post. So batten down your hatches, gird your loins, put the kids to bed, rub some…(get on […] More
in Holier Than Thou, Lists, rampant speculation, viralHow To Write A ’10 Best SEO Blogs You Should Read’ Post
SEO is important for the largest brands to the smallest businesses. That’s why there are thousands of blogs dedicated to the topic of making SEO great again! Everyone is cranking out in-depth guides, how-tos, tools, tips, and tricks. However, one thing that is sorely lacking is lists of the best SEO blogs you should be […] More
in "news", rampant speculation5 Reasons Why Google Penguin Hasn’t Launched Today [EXCLUSIVE!]
Breaking news straight outta the Googleplex. No Google Penguin 4.0 update today. Here are five reasons why. 1. Zika Virus “Due to concerns over the Zika virus, Google Penguin will not be launching today,” according to a Google spokesperson. The Zika virus has reportedly spread to 61 domains where Google operates. “This was not an easy […] More
in rampant speculationGoogle’s Reptile Disfunction
Our woman at Google let slip that there’s a huge issue over at the ‘plex that they’re powerless to deal with. Ever since Seinfeld let slip that Mark Zuckerberg was a lizard person (which he denied, but as we all know, only a lizard person would deny that they’re a lizard person), Google has been […] More