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in "news", rampant speculationBreaking! Google [Revamps / Updates / Tweaks / Upgrades / Overhauls / Changes] Search Console [Feature]
That sneaky Google has done it again! They’ve secretly updated one of its key Search Console features in such a soft, gentle, under the radar, barely visible to the human eye, covert sort of way that nobody but nobody noticed (apart from us… and the guy that tipped us off… and… nope, that was it). […] More
in "news", rampant speculationHas There Been a Google Update? 5 Ways to Tell
Did Google do an update? When was the last Google update? These are two questions I see in “People Also Ask” on Google – so presumably people are asking them. So I’ve stuffed them into the opening of my article on “Has there been a Google update?” to improve WTFSEO’s odds of ranking for the […] More
in "news"Liver Seeks Divorce from SEO Man After Recent Conference
A Florida SEO man was shocked this week to learn that his liver of 45 years is filing for divorce. He found out about the news the weekend after a local SEO conference concluded. At first, his liver was super excited about the trip and spending lots of quality time with the Florida SEO […] More
in viralThe Cat in the Black SEO Hat
Our rankings have tanked. We must find a way. To optimize our site For the upcoming holidays. I sat with my CMO We sat there, us both And I said, “How I wish our organic traffic Would show us some growth.” Few people visited, conversions were scarce We were both quite appalled. We stared at […] More
in Holier Than Thou, Lists, rampant speculation, viralHow To Write A ’10 Best SEO Blogs You Should Read’ Post
SEO is important for the largest brands to the smallest businesses. That’s why there are thousands of blogs dedicated to the topic of making SEO great again! Everyone is cranking out in-depth guides, how-tos, tools, tips, and tricks. However, one thing that is sorely lacking is lists of the best SEO blogs you should be […] More
in "news", rampant speculation5 Reasons Why Google Penguin Hasn’t Launched Today [EXCLUSIVE!]
Breaking news straight outta the Googleplex. No Google Penguin 4.0 update today. Here are five reasons why. 1. Zika Virus “Due to concerns over the Zika virus, Google Penguin will not be launching today,” according to a Google spokesperson. The Zika virus has reportedly spread to 61 domains where Google operates. “This was not an easy […] More
in Lists13 Quick SEO Tips For Starting Your Own Blog
It’s June, which means many wannabe bloggers everywhere are heading to GoDaddy to find a domain, start a blog, and become an expert. (What?! – Editor) Here are some tips to make sure your blog is way less more successful than WTFSEO! 1. Rarely Post New Posts It’s about quality, not quantity. It’s a huge […] More
in Holier Than Thou, quiz, viralThe Ultimate Relationship Building Link Profile Test
As an above-average SEO, you know links are the most important thing in the world. Except, you also know that relationships are the new backlink, according to some SEO gurus, thus making relationships even more importanter (you goddamned millennials and your slang – Ed). So if the best links come from the best relationships, then […] More
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Search Images: Magnifying Glasses, Binoculars & Fingers!
In this week’s installment of Search Images, here are the latest images pulled from Google Images, showing magnifying glasses, some creepy dude with binoculars, a finger, and more. Some obese stick figure with a magnifying glass: Hey look, another magnifying glass, and this one features the word “search” in Google’s colors: Fancy! Search, as spelled with keyboard letters: […] More
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in "news", polls, rampant speculationWhat is Google RankBrain?
Since Google announced RankBrain late last year, the SEO industry has pretty much lost its mind. A barrage of articles, blog posts, and infographics all have promised to properly explain Google’s machine learning system. Yet none really have. If you’re still struggling to understand RankBrain, you aren’t alone. But there’s good news: you now have […] More
in "news", Holier Than ThouSEOs, Google & Open Letters: The Clustérfuck à Trois
On Friday, a millennial completely eviscerated another millennial for ripping into another millennial – Google! It’s, as the French call it, a clustérfuck à trois. It all started when a millennial SEO wrote a long rant, ironically on Medium, about the lack of traffic that self-involved millennial Google is sending his way. A few hours later […] More
in Lists, rampant speculation, viral5 Brain-Imploding Trends That Will Eviscerate Inbound Marketing in 2016
What SEO and inbound marketing trends should you, heathen reader, be ready for in 2016? To find out, I sat down with all the biggest experts who happened to be at this particular happy hour I could find. Below are five brain-imploding trends that we agreed will eviscerate inbound marketing as we know it in […] More