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    The Guide to Legendary PokemonGo Spawn Points

    Given that the entire staff is wandering around the office with their noses pressed to their phones yelling “I see one!” and “Dammit, it’s another Rattata”, we thought we’d have our Latverian “offshore” team put together a guide to show you exactly where you can find those “gold foil” pokemongo characters. Use this list wisely, […] More

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    Meet the Brains behind PokeMongo

    You all have it on your phone, you’re running around derelict buildings, breaking into neighbor’s houses, all trying to complete the objectives of the best selling (erm isn’t it free? – ed) app on the market. Yes, of course we’re talking about WTFSEO’s augmented reality app PokeMongo. For those of you waking from a coma […] More

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    Why Modern SEO Requires Almost No Technical Expertise

    The Internet is complicated. If you think about the innumerable calculations that go into every Google search just to bring you the perfect information for your request, it can almost be overwhelming. Trying to appeal to every line of code in Google’s core algorithm to rank higher would be virtually impossible, even for the most advanced […] More

  • Lizard People

    Google’s Reptile Disfunction

    Our woman at Google let slip that there’s a huge issue over at the ‘plex that they’re powerless to deal with.  Ever since Seinfeld let slip that Mark Zuckerberg was a lizard person (which he denied, but as we all know, only a lizard person would deny that they’re a lizard person), Google has been […] More

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    Editorial Direction: Supporting Our Bot Traffic

    Based on recent news that as much as 50% of traffic to websites may be coming from bots, we’ve decided that we need to pander to this community, so from this point forward every other post will be written for bots rather than humans (sorry fleshbags). 01000001 00100000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110111 […] More

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    How to build a “Top SEO experts” list

    It’s that time of year when the ego-bait posts come out in full force.  All of your competition is putting out their “Top 247 SEOs” or “Best 100 Social Media Experts“, etc posts, but you don’t know how to do it, so you sit there twiddling your thumbs trying to come up with a true […] More

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    What’s your latest, greatest SEO tactic?

    Here at WTFSEO we’re all about sharing knowledge amongst our WTFSEOers, it’s what separates us from the beasts of the sea.  So, in order to honor that commitment, we’d like you to take this poll, and let us, and all of the other WTFSEOers know what’s working for you, so they can steal it, and […] More

  • Bathroom Scales

    Breaking: Google’s Yo-Yo Title Tag Diet

    Many people across America have had their issues with size (ed: I hear there’s a cream you can get that… oh not that… nvm), and Google is no different.  In 2014 they announced that they were trimming a bulky 15 characters from the size of their title tag, in order to get down to a “beach ready”, […] More

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    The Ultimate SEO Quiz

    Are you ready to take the only industry quiz that will prove to your peers, EVPs, and interested members of the opposite sex that you actually know what you’re talking about?  If so then gird your loins, steel your soul, and begin… More

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    Yes, it’s true.  WTFSEO has joined the space race.  Unlike those folks at a certain regal SEO tool who 3d printed a map of servers around the world and called it “the Internet”, we’re actually printing the whole, complete internet (even the naughty bits.) In association with the fine folks at NASA (Nigerian Allied Space […] More

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    Our April Fools’ SEO Post

    Today, April Fools’ Day, is the day when all of the “serious” SEO industry sites try to be WTFSEO.  They try to bedazzle their audience by making claims that seem almost plausible, but will find you laughed out of your office should you fall for it, and email your manager to tell them the “news”. […] More

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