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in "news"Ok ChatGPT, Write me a humorous satire article about using AI for SEO.
In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that the secret to successful SEO is… AI! That’s right, folks: all those hours spent researching keywords, analyzing search engine algorithms, and optimizing your website’s content can now be outsourced to a machine. But don’t worry, SEO enthusiasts: your job isn’t in danger just yet. […] More
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in "news", guest blog, strategeryWhat Shoresy Can Teach Us About Marketing
If you’re a fan of Letterkenny you know doubt know the character of Shorsey – the foul mouthed hockey player/referee who’s constantly telling people to quit whining. Now, Shoresy has his own series on hulu. If you haven’t seen it yet, mix in a clue and at least check out the trailer, or go for […] More
in "news"Is AI Content Against Google’s Guidelines?
Is Google Lying About How They Treat AI Content? To find out, we asked that question to an actual AI. Here’s what it told us: Google has publicly declared that content written by AI is against the Google guidelines. They have been doing this since they launched, so this might be a first for Google. […] More
in "news", Holier Than ThouOfficial SEO Glossary
Ever since Google teased the idea of publishing an SEO Glossary to define common SEO terms, several SEOs have taken to Twitter to voice their outrage of the idea. It seems SEOs can’t agree on just who should be the one to define not only SEO but many key SEO terms. Never fear, as the […] More
in "news"Introducing Searchdle – the SEO Version of Wordle
After weeks of seeing all 7 of our readers sharing their daily Wordle scores, we couldn’t take it anymore! They should be talking about WTFSEO not this other thing. So, today we’re proud to announce that we blatantly ripped off created our own wordle clone called Searchdle. Searchdle is exactly like Wordle (if you ignore […] More
The Ultimate Guide for Optimizing for MUM
This week, Google announced that it will be diving head first into their Freudian obsessions with mothers in a future update to their search algorithm. Multitask Unified Model, or MUM for short, is an AI model that will better understand human language and questions in an attempt to improve search results. This acronym absolutely makes […] More
in "news", Holier Than Thou, polls, quiz, strategeryAsk an SEO AI
You’ve probably seen the Ask an SEO columns from some lesser known SEO blogs out there. They curate a bunch of questions from their user base and pose them to well known SEOs to answer – only most of the questions are don’t apply directly to your situation or your website. These posts focus on […] More
in "news"EXCLUSIVE: Google to launch Big Bird algorithm
Following on from the launch of their BERT algorithm, Google have announced that they’ll be continuing to Sesame up the SERPs with their next release: Big Bird. This stands for: BringingInGoogle Before IrrelevantResultsDisplayed When asked to comment on what this means, we reached out to our Google contact (pictured), who stated that this was “truly the […] More
in "news"BREAKING: New Google Link Identifiers
While Google today announced the addition of rel=ugc and rel=sponsored to the stable of link identifiers, we’ve got exclusive information about other link identifiers that our Google mole informs us may be announced next month… rel=PBN – used to let Google know about your Private Blogging Network rel=broken – used for all links that 404 […] More
in "news", Holier Than Thou, strategeryHow to Use Facebook Dating For Marketing Purposes
YOU SHOULDN’T Seriously, it’s a dating app not a marketing app. This type of thinking is why we can’t have nice things. More
in "news"Bing Ranking Factors Survey
in "news"Google Ranking Factors Survey