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in guest blogA Week in the Life of a Typical Agency SEO
April 16th The morning starts with a call with the Ruffington post for a product launch we’ve been working on for 18 months. Checking the videos of Orangutans are approved, and tagged. Next: Call with our Detroit office to see if they’ve done keyword research and competitive analysis on Orangutan / bicycle related keywords. Check […] More
in guest blog, Holier Than Thou, rampant speculationFour reactions Facebook SHOULD have
I’m sure you have all seen the new Facebook reactions that give you options besides the traditional “thumbs up” to indicate that you “like” a post… except perhaps not, since the vast majority of people are still only using the like button to indicate their general acknowledgement of a given post. Be that as it may, […] More
in guest blogUsing Peanut Butter for SEO: 5 Bowel-Blowing Examples
Yes, we all agree that WTFSEO is so hot that you’re reading this post through a slit in a piece of cardboard, reflected off another piece of cardboard, while wearing triple thickness sunglasses, but do you know what else is hot? Peanut butter is hot. Yes… you read that right… Peanut butter. The PB in […] More
in dingy, guest blog, Lists, viral5 Reasons You Should Train Your Brain To Be A Better SEO
Brain-training, the latest en vogue term for what most people call “learning,” is a hot topic for SEO’s. Not because it is part and parcel with what we do everyday, but because it sounds really cool and trendy, which is our sort of thing. Also experts (Dingy) agree, “brain training” has a nice ring to […] More
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in guest blogHow to become an SEO thought leader in 5 easy steps
The following is a guest post by a well known industry SEO thought leader that you’ve obviously heard of, but doesn’t want to be mentioned by name. Humankind and it’s many cultures and achievements have always been shaped by thought leaders of the time. From Hammurabi and his code to Steve Jobs and his, well, […] More
in guest blogOur Editors Haven’t Read This Post Yet
Here at WTFSEO our editors, writers, and managers have a lot in common with our readers. Our jobs are similar to that of a typical blogger, SEO, or reporter. We’re all obsessed with quality accuracy trust editorial calendar deadlines. We know there’s nothing more important than publishing thought provoking, relevant, helpful information as frequently as […] More
in "news", guest blog13 Little Known Facts* About Google
These absolutely true* facts that we’ve pulled from a quick search on Google about Google will amaze and astound you. (* the following alleged “facts” haven’t actually been verified or validated, so there’s a good chance that they’re not actually true, but given that we may or may not have found them on Google, it’s […] More
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in "news", guest blogExclusive Interview with that Guy from the Search Engine
We’re really lucky at WTFSEO to bag an exclusive interview with that Guy from the Search Engine who goes out to every conference, and speaks to every publication going as the official voice of the Search Engine. This exclusive interview was only possible thanks to our extensive network, and the high esteem to which WTFSEO […] More
in guest blogHow to Causate Your Correlation
Here at WTFSEO we’ve long held the firm belief that something happens only because something else first happened. The last domino in a series can’t fall until a person finishes their burrito, puts their plate down and accidentally knocks over one of the dominoes in the middle starting a chain reaction in 2 directions. The […] More
in guest blogInterview with SEO who will tweet this in exchange for links.
It’s not paid links, they’re just trading me traffic for the ability to drop some links here. I’m not calling it a guest blog, so it’s totally legit right? More