
Reactions To The New Bing Logo

This is our 3rd favorite search engine logo. What? we think ducks are cute.

If you weren’t paying close attention to SEO blogs, you might have missed the fact that bing Bing recently updated their logo. Let’s be honest, you certainly didn’t do a search on Bing and notice it yourself. The new logo, seen below, represent’s Bing’s switch from Blue, to Yellow, and now Green – leaving them only one more color change left to catch up to Google.

The new bing logo is our 3rd favorite Search engine logo. What? we think ducks are cute.
The new bing logo is our 3rd favorite Search engine logo. What? we think ducks are cute.

Given the huge nature of this change, we emailed the same 12 people we always ask in these posts hit the streets to get some diverse SEO community reactions.

I've been fed up with Google results for a while, but haven't been able to make the switch. Now that Bing has a new logo I can finally change my default search engine.
I’ve been fed up with Google results for a while, but haven’t been able to make the switch. Now that Bing has a new logo I can finally change my default search engine.
Bing? What's Bing? Leave me alone.
Bing? What’s Bing? Leave me alone.
I can't handle this change right now. It's just too much. what Were they thinking? Change it back.
I can’t handle this change right now. It’s just too much. what Were they thinking? Change it back.
Color change nature Bing
I like it, the color change symbolizes the movement of the company strategy away from the glaring heat of the noon sun, to more of an artificial turf, with those little bits of rubber that get in your shoes.
Are you Kidding me:? This completely changes everything about SEO. Now I have to re-do my last month of work for my clients. They won't be happy about that.
Are you Kidding me:? This completely changes everything about SEO. Now I have to re-do my last month of work for my clients. They won’t be happy about that.
Bing a lings
Simply another instance of Bing following Google.  As soon as Google capitalized the G, you knew that those yellow bellied non-forward thinking, namby pamby bing-a-lings would do exactly the same!.
This has huge implications for your comany strategy. We will be releasing a 517 ebook outlining how your business should adapt. you'll post a link to me right?
This has huge implications for your company strategy. We will be releasing a 517 page ebook outlining how your business should adapt (only 3 pages will be about the change, the rest will be boilerplate about my company). you’ll post a link to me right?
Bing Logo? Good question. Thanks to Obamacare, millions of Americans now have access to health insurance.
Bing Logo? Good question. Thanks to Obamacare, millions of Americans now have access to health insurance.
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The Individual declined to comment and instead attempted to urinate on the interviewer’s right leg
I'm not sure how I feel. I'm going to wait for the MOZ post to tell me what I think.
I’m not sure how I feel. I’m going to wait for MOZ to tell me what I think.
This is just another attempt by the liberals to poison the minds of Americans. Cramming political correctness down our throats. Trump 2016!
This is just another attempt by the liberals to poison the minds of Americans. Trump 2016!

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