Yes, we’ve read various takes on the Google Algorithm document leak, and we feel that they’re all missing an obvious angle… that from a voice inside Google that will speak freely, off the record, and confirm or deny that what’s in the document is actually what’s being used in the algorithm.
We, here at WTFSEO, are well connected to Google, and were, of course, invited to Google I/O a couple of weeks ago, where we got to sit down with several Google employees, and chat about what’s going on in the world of search. With today’s news, we reached out to one of those employees and asked them to comment on the veracity of the claims being made across the industry.
Here’s that interview, in full:
WTFSEO: Can you confirm that you work for Google
Google Employee: Yes, I work for Google, and have done for <retracted> years
WTFSEO: Are you involved with the Search Team?
GE: Yes, I’m directly on that team
WTFSEO: …and in what capacity?
GE: I’m a twiddler
WTFSEO: A twiddler?
GE: That’s correct
WTFSEO: What exactly does a twiddler do?
GE: We twiddle the search results
WTFSEO: So when the leaked documents talk about Google employing twiddlers…
GE: Yep, that’s us
WTFSEO: Can you confirm or deny anything else in the documents
GE: Sorry, no, all I do is twiddle
WTFSEO: Thank you for your time
So there you have it, Google twiddlers do exist, therefore everything else in the doc must be 100% true! You heard it here 37th!
in "news"
The Google Algorithm Document Leak: Our Take