Holier Than Thou
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in "news", Holier Than Thou, strategeryHow to Use Facebook Dating For Marketing Purposes
YOU SHOULDN’T Seriously, it’s a dating app not a marketing app. This type of thinking is why we can’t have nice things. More
in "news", Holier Than Thou, rampant speculationBreaking News, JohnMu Said A Thing
Breaking news, according to at least 3 other people who aren’t currently blocked by him on Twitter, @johnmu recently said something that was relevant to SEO. We’re eventually going to go to his twitter and account and read what that thing was, but first we need to beat all the other SEOs to the punch […] More
in "news", Holier Than Thou, liveblog, viralLiveblogging Ungagged: Hacking Google
Howdy WTFSEOers. Today we’re at #GetUngagged in Las Vegas. Despite their no live-blogging and no-photos policy, we’ve obtained special permission to liveblog the hacking Google session. Ungagged has just asked for the ability to redact some information. So, here goes. First up on the panel is and he will be talking about various ways to […] More
in "news", Holier Than Thou, Lists, self promotionalBest SEO Blogs 2018
Are you looking to improve your SEO skills in 2018? Google makes hundreds of algorithm changes every year, and SEO best practices are constantly in flux. The only way to stay on top of the SEO industry is to stay up to date with all the changes and tests and spurious correlation studies of ranking […] More
in "news", Holier Than Thou, Lists, rampant speculationSeven SEO Trends We Watched in 2017
The year is coming to an end, and that means it’s time for our competitors to write their 2018 prediction posts and talk about Trends They Expect To See in 2018. After our company holiday party however, we decided against adding to the rampant speculation and instead decided to attempt to remember focus on the […] More
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in "news", Holier Than Thou, viralWTFSEO 2017 SEO Ranking Factor Study
Greetings WTFSEOers and welcome to the 2017 edition of our Google ranking factors study. It may seem like just last year we published the complete list of Google ranking factors but alas, Google makes several hundred algorithm updates per year – which is great for us because we can keep recycling the same bullshit post […] More
in Holier Than Thou, ListsHow to Spot a Valid “Top SEO” List
When it comes to lists containing “Best of” and “Top”, there are so many out there and frankly they’re all very subjective. While it feels great to be on a list, let’s face it, you’re still just “on someone’s list” for whatever reason. Often it’s for no other reason that you’ve partied with the list […] More
in Holier Than Thou, self promotional, viralAn Open Letter To The SEO Industry
How are you all doing? We’ve now been a member of the industry for, well, most of our unprofessional life, and We feel it’s time we ask some things of you. You see, we’ve been thinking a lot about our industry in the past few years, and we’ve come to an important realization: WE NEED […] More
in Holier Than ThouHow to Fire an SEO
Given that Google is now scraping our content for their own… with their “how to hire an SEO” video, quite clearly “inspired” by our classic post – “How to interview at WTFSEO” – yet without the credit that such inspiration clearly deserves… we’ve decided that it’s time for us to fight back. The best way for […] More
in "news", Holier Than Thou, self promotionalTAFE: Our January Finances & Nearing Profitability
Here at WTFSEO we firmly believe in the code of TAFE (That’s TAGFEE minus the generosity and empathy) Since being acquired by CoCuMo a few months ago, we’ve been forced to changed our ways of thinking about openness and transparency. In keeping with the spirit of the TAFE code, we’re going to release our January […] More
in Holier Than Thou, ListsCyber Monday Tips For SEOs
Today is Cyber Monday and our editors insist that we write something about it so that we can add to the social media noise and email spam already proliferating the interwebs today. So, here goes: Make sure you have the best Cyber Monday possible with our helpful tips: Wear clothing that’s easy to describe. Remove […] More
in "news", Holier Than ThouThese 2 Slides Will Make You The Ultimate SEO Guru
The end of digital marketing conference season is almost here. That can mean only one thing: it’s almost time for next year’s digital marketing conference season! How exciting! Did you follow all the great advice on how to be an amazeballs speaker? Did that advice help transform you into one of the highest rated presenters […] More