Hey buddy, can you Help A Reporter Out? Look, we like the idea of HARO, but we can’t be bothered to actually submit our requests to it. Besides, we’re not technically reporters and we’re really just focused on creating some spam So we thought what better way to get help than from out loyal WTFers. Following are several requests for upcoming articles we’re doing here, don’t worry though, if you respond we’ll take your ideas for our very own ensure that you remain anonymous.
1) Summary: Looking for Chirpodists who have gotten inspiration from the famous actor OJ Simpson
Category: Viral
Email: [email protected]
Media Outlet: WTFSEO
Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 19 February
What business lessons about the treatment of feet have you learned from famous actor OJ Simpson? Did any of his characters or movies teach you lessons for your small chiropody business? Did he inspire you to start your practice?
2) Summary: Looking for SEOs with experience in fast quality, natural looking linking schemes for humorous SEO blogs
Category: Self Serving
Email: [email protected]
Media Outlet: WTFSEO
Deadline: ASAP
Assuming there’s a humorous SEO blog out there that needs to get more people linking to it, what would you do? Show actual examples of how you’d build these links using WTFSEO as the placeholder.
3) Summary: Looking for SEOs with experience in the automobile industry, preferably with a Mercedes employee discount they’d be willing to share
Category: Completely Self Serving
Email: [email protected]
Media Outlet: WTFSEO
Deadline: 5:14 P.M EST 17th February 2016
I need a new car… that’s pretty much it…
In all seriousness though, we could use some contributions. Have something in the SEO industry you want to parody? Reach out!