As an <insert boilerplate here> online digital marketing site, we’re always on the bleeding edge of what’s going on in the world of SEO and Social, and as such, we’ve been seen the publicity that another new social network is getting, so we’re jumping straight on that bandwagon.
Owdy is the latest MySpace Plurk Orkut Google+ Facebook Ello killer and has such buzz that everyone’s… well… buzzing about it. The first thing you notice about Owdy is that it’s not cluttered like other networks. There aren’t any of the distractions that you’ll see on our competitor’s sites, such as advertising, or a news feed (We do plan on adding some of these features at a later point in time, such as the ability to converse with other people who have Owdy accounts and are located close to your actual physical location. We plan on calling this feature “Owdy Neighbor”).
For now, we think you’ll be thrilled to log onto Owdy so that you can set your profile picture, password, a followed link, and a brief description (we do plan on adding the ability to edit these fields at a later date).
At Owdy we know that you couldn’t care less about any of the cat & baby pictures your friends post, and that finding out which Disney Princess you are isn’t the highlight of your day, so we didn’t waste time coding that and instead focused on what really matters in a social network: Getting early access to up your status, claiming your username before somebody else does, having a followed link in your profile, and re-defining who your friends are (don’t forget to add WTFSEO as a friend (although if you do forget we’ll run a script to auto-add us as a friend at a later date)).
Don’t have any friends? Are you exceedingly unsociable? That doesn’t matter on Owdy, where we’ve given you the option to just friend yourself. Other social sites would have you sitting there with that giant goose egg of “0 friends” staring back at you, but not Owdy. We allow you to friend the one person who knows everything about you, and will always be there for you, your 1 true friend.
The other feature we’ve implemented, besides the one-time profile information setting, is to invite all of your friends to join Owdy using an exclusive invite code. As you can quite clearly see that’s a huge improvement over the functionality of Ello, who only allow you to invite a piddling 5 friends. But then again, they don’t have the vision of a mission statement like ours, so what else would you expect?
Should you go rush out and delete all of your other social accounts immediately and focus on Owdy? Absolutely, but only as long as you’ve read all 12 parts of our upcoming series on “Killing at Marketing using Owdy”, which will be reprinted in our upcoming book: “The Moronic guide to Owdy” and slightly repackaged as our other upcoming book: “Winning at Owdy an hour a day”.
So remember to say “Owdy Y’all” to your friends, but don’t invite them all, as this is an exclusive club, and we need to get the buzz and hype going from those begging to get in.
Can’t wait to get my invite! 🙂