Editor’s Note:Welcome to the first ever WTFSEO Ask Me Anything (AMA) thread. While we recognize that these AMA type posts are usually done on other sites like Reddit, we also realized that we don’t get any ad revenue from those sites, so we’re hosting it here.
Our latest employee, Dingy, is graciously taking time out of his day to answer your questions about WTFSEO, Owdy, or just anything digital that comes to mind. Our legal team (Josh the intern, who got the box set of LA Law for his last birthday, and has watched part of season 1) will read the questions, and if they can be answered by an existing blog post or FAQ we’ll allow Dingy to copy and paste that answer into the thread – at least for the first 20 minutes or so until we completely ignore this thread. Note: we reserve the right to seed as many friendly questions as we like, if:
- we don’t like the questions that are coming in
- we don’t get any questions
- we feel like it

* unless it’s about that incident at that place in Chinatown last Tuesday. I’m not legally allowed to comment on that until the resulting court case has been settled.
why are you so awesome?
Hey Dingy – Huge fan here, it’s keeping me cool.
Marry, boff, kill?
Matt Cuts
Rand Fishkin
Paul Sullivan
I apologize ahead of time if this question is below you as our Messiah